Best In The Desert Reduces Entry Fee For UTV Pro Classes

This is a press release from BITD…
Las Vegas, NV (June 18, 2021) – It has been brought to our attention that some UTV race teams are disappointed with the recent increase in entry fees for the UTV Professional Classes for Vegas to Reno. First, let us say thank for your comments and concerns. We have tried very hard to keep entry fees as low as possible for many years. Compared to other major series/events (e.g., SCORE, The Mint 400) we have consistently been quite a bit lower in terms of the entry fees we charge while striving to put on the best events in off-road racing.
As we went through the process of determining Vegas to Reno entry fees, we not only examined what other racing organizations are charging, but also took into account substantially increased operational costs we are facing. Like everything else in the world today, especially post pandemic, operation costs have increased tremendously. BLM costs alone have risen significantly in recent years, and we have attempted to absorb most of those without passing it along to the consumer. We hope you understand the situation we are in, and we also hope you keep in mind that since these fees are for the professional classes, a portion of the increase goes back into the purse.
The fact is the cost for our events are still lower compared to other organizers, even with the recent increase for Vegas to Reno. Having said this, and after listening to your input, we’ve taken another look at the increases in the UTV professional classes compared to what was charged in 2020 and have decided to reduce the increase by 50%. Therefore, the new entry is $1995. Those who have already entered will receive a $500 refund to their charge cards. The website will be updated immediately to reflect the new pricing.
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